Enables users to choose from a list of options presented in a dropdown.
<script lang="ts">
import { Select } from "bits-ui";
import CaretUpDown from "phosphor-svelte/lib/CaretUpDown";
import Check from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Check";
import Palette from "phosphor-svelte/lib/Palette";
const themes = [
{ value: "light-monochrome", label: "Light Monochrome" },
{ value: "dark-green", label: "Dark Green" },
{ value: "svelte-orange", label: "Svelte Orange" },
{ value: "punk-pink", label: "Punk Pink" },
{ value: "ocean-blue", label: "Ocean Blue" },
{ value: "sunset-red", label: "Sunset Red" },
{ value: "forest-green", label: "Forest Green" },
{ value: "lavender-purple", label: "Lavender Purple" },
{ value: "mustard-yellow", label: "Mustard Yellow" },
{ value: "slate-gray", label: "Slate Gray" },
{ value: "neon-green", label: "Neon Green" },
{ value: "coral-reef", label: "Coral Reef" },
{ value: "midnight-blue", label: "Midnight Blue" },
{ value: "crimson-red", label: "Crimson Red" },
{ value: "mint-green", label: "Mint Green" },
{ value: "pastel-pink", label: "Pastel Pink" },
{ value: "golden-yellow", label: "Golden Yellow" },
{ value: "deep-purple", label: "Deep Purple" },
{ value: "turquoise-blue", label: "Turquoise Blue" },
{ value: "burnt-orange", label: "Burnt Orange" }
<Select.Root name="hello">
class="inline-flex h-input w-[296px] select-none items-center rounded-9px border border-border-input bg-background px-[11px] text-sm transition-colors placeholder:text-foreground-alt/50"
aria-label="Select a theme"
<Palette class="mr-[9px] size-6 text-muted-foreground" />
<Select.Value class="text-sm" placeholder="Select a theme" />
<CaretUpDown class="ml-auto size-6 text-muted-foreground" />
class="focus-override z-50 max-h-96 w-full min-w-[296px] rounded-xl border border-muted bg-background px-1 py-3 shadow-popover outline-none"
<Select.ScrollUpButton class="flex w-full items-center justify-center"
<Select.Viewport class="p-1">
{#each themes as theme}
class="focus-override flex h-10 w-full select-none items-center rounded-button py-3 pl-5 pr-1.5 text-sm outline-none transition-all duration-75 focus:outline-none focus-visible:outline-none data-[highlighted]:bg-muted"
{#snippet children({ selected })}
{#if selected}
<span class="ml-auto">
<Check />
<Select.ScrollDownButton class="flex w-full items-center justify-center"
import typography from "@tailwindcss/typography";
import animate from "tailwindcss-animate";
import { fontFamily } from "tailwindcss/defaultTheme";
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
darkMode: "class",
content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}"],
theme: {
container: {
center: true,
screens: {
"2xl": "1440px",
extend: {
colors: {
border: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--border-card))",
input: "hsl(var(--border-input))",
"input-hover": "hsl(var(--border-input-hover))",
background: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--background) / <alpha-value>)",
alt: "hsl(var(--background-alt) / <alpha-value>)",
foreground: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--foreground) / <alpha-value>)",
alt: "hsl(var(--foreground-alt) / <alpha-value>)",
muted: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--muted) / <alpha-value>)",
foreground: "hsl(var(--muted-foreground))",
dark: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--dark) / <alpha-value>)",
4: "hsl(var(--dark-04))",
10: "hsl(var(--dark-10))",
40: "hsl(var(--dark-40))",
accent: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--accent) / <alpha-value>)",
foreground: "hsl(var(--accent-foreground) / <alpha-value>)",
destructive: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--destructive) / <alpha-value>)",
contrast: {
DEFAULT: "hsl(var(--contrast) / <alpha-value>)",
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Inter", ...fontFamily.sans],
mono: ["Source Code Pro", ...fontFamily.mono],
alt: ["Courier", ...fontFamily.sans],
fontSize: {
xxs: "10px",
borderWidth: {
6: "6px",
borderRadius: {
card: "16px",
"card-lg": "20px",
"card-sm": "10px",
input: "9px",
button: "5px",
"5px": "5px",
"9px": "9px",
"10px": "10px",
"15px": "15px",
height: {
input: "3rem",
"input-sm": "2.5rem",
boxShadow: {
mini: "var(--shadow-mini)",
"mini-inset": "var(--shadow-mini-inset)",
popover: "var(--shadow-popover)",
kbd: "var(--shadow-kbd)",
btn: "var(--shadow-btn)",
card: "var(--shadow-card)",
"date-field-focus": "var(--shadow-date-field-focus)",
opacity: {
8: "0.08",
scale: {
80: ".80",
98: ".98",
99: ".99",
keyframes: {
"accordion-down": {
from: { height: "0" },
to: { height: "var(--bits-accordion-content-height)" },
"accordion-up": {
from: { height: "var(--bits-accordion-content-height)" },
to: { height: "0" },
"caret-blink": {
"0%,70%,100%": { opacity: "1" },
"20%,50%": { opacity: "0" },
animation: {
"accordion-down": "accordion-down 0.2s ease-out",
"accordion-up": "accordion-up 0.2s ease-out",
"caret-blink": "caret-blink 1.25s ease-out infinite",
plugins: [typography, animate],
@import url(",wght@0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700&display=swap");
@import url(";500;600&display=swap");
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
:root {
/* Colors */
--background: 0 0% 100%;
--background-alt: 0 0% 100%;
--foreground: 0 0% 9%;
--foreground-alt: 0 0% 32%;
--muted: 240 5% 96%;
--muted-foreground: 0 0% 9% / 0.4;
--border: 240 6% 10%;
--border-input: 240 6% 10% / 0.17;
--border-input-hover: 240 6% 10% / 0.4;
--border-card: 240 6% 10% / 0.1;
--dark: 240 6% 10%;
--dark-10: 240 6% 10% / 0.1;
--dark-40: 240 6% 10% / 0.4;
--dark-04: 240 6% 10% / 0.04;
--accent: 204 94% 94%;
--accent-foreground: 204 80% 16%;
--destructive: 347 77% 50%;
/* black */
--constrast: 0 0% 0%;
/* Shadows */
--shadow-mini: 0px 1px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
--shadow-mini-inset: 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04) inset;
--shadow-popover: 0px 7px 12px 3px hsla(var(--dark-10));
--shadow-kbd: 0px 2px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);
--shadow-btn: 0px 1px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
--shadow-card: 0px 2px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04);
--shadow-date-field-focus: 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(24, 24, 27, 0.17);
.dark {
/* Colors */
--background: 0 0% 5%;
--background-alt: 0 0% 8%;
--foreground: 0 0% 95%;
--foreground-alt: 0 0% 70%;
--muted: 240 4% 16%;
--muted-foreground: 0 0% 100% / 0.4;
--border: 0 0% 96%;
--border-input: 0 0% 96% / 0.17;
--border-input-hover: 0 0% 96% / 0.4;
--border-card: 0 0% 96% / 0.1;
--dark: 0 0% 96%;
--dark-40: 0 0% 96% / 0.4;
--dark-10: 0 0% 96% / 0.1;
--dark-04: 0 0% 96% / 0.04;
--accent: 204 90 90%;
--accent-foreground: 204 94% 94%;
--destructive: 350 89% 60%;
/* white */
--constrast: 0 0% 100%;
/* Shadows */
--shadow-mini: 0px 1px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
--shadow-mini-inset: 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) inset;
--shadow-popover: 0px 7px 12px 3px hsla(0deg 0% 0% / 30%);
--shadow-kbd: 0px 2px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.07);
--shadow-btn: 0px 1px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
--shadow-card: 0px 2px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
--shadow-date-field-focus: 0px 0px 0px 3px rgba(244, 244, 245, 0.1);
@layer base {
* {
@apply border-border;
html {
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
font-variation-settings: normal;
body {
@apply bg-background text-foreground;
"rlig" 1,
"calt" 1;
/* Mobile tap highlight */
/* */
html {
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5);
::selection {
background: #fdffa4;
color: black;
/* === Scrollbars === */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
@apply w-2;
@apply h-2;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
@apply !bg-transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
@apply rounded-card-lg !bg-dark-10;
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
/* Firefox */
/* */
html {
scrollbar-color: var(--bg-muted);
.antialised {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
@layer utilities {
.step {
counter-increment: step;
.step:before {
@apply absolute inline-flex h-9 w-9 items-center justify-center rounded-full border-4 border-background bg-muted text-center -indent-px font-mono text-base font-medium;
@apply ml-[-50px] mt-[-4px];
content: counter(step);
@layer components {
*:not(body):not(.focus-override) {
outline: none !important;
&:focus-visible {
@apply focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-foreground focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-background;
.link {
@apply inline-flex items-center gap-1 rounded-sm font-medium underline underline-offset-4 hover:text-foreground/80 focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-foreground focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:ring-offset-background;
input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
/* Firefox */
input[type="number"] {
-moz-appearance: textfield;
<script lang="ts">
import { Select } from "bits-ui";
<Select.Value />
<Select.ItemIndicator />
<Select.Label />
<Select.ItemIndicator />
<Select.Arrow />
API Reference
The root select component which manages & scopes the state of the select.
Property | Type | Description |
value bindable prop | string | The value of the currently selected select item. Default: undefined |
onValueChange | function | A callback that is fired when the select menu's value changes. Default: undefined |
open bindable prop | boolean | The open state of the select menu. Default: false |
onOpenChange | function | A callback that is fired when the select menu's open state changes. Default: undefined |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the select menu is disabled. Default: false |
autocomplete | string | The autocomplete attribute of the select. Default: undefined |
dir | enum | The reading direction of the app. Default: ltr |
form | string | The form attribute of the select. Default: undefined |
name | string | The name to apply to the hidden input element for form submission. Default: undefined |
required | boolean | Whether or not the select menu is required. Default: false |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
The button element which toggles the select menu's open state.
Property | Type | Description |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the select menu trigger is disabled. Default: false |
ref bindable prop | HTMLButtonElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-state | enum | The dropdown menu's open state. |
data-disabled | '' | Present when the trigger is disabled. |
data-select-trigger | '' | Present on the trigger element. |
The content/menu element which contains the select menu's items.
Property | Type | Description |
position | enum | The positioning strategy to use for the content. If set to 'item-aligned', the content will be positioned relative to the trigger, similar to a native select. If set to Default: floating |
dir | enum | The reading direction of the app. Default: ltr |
side | enum | The preferred side of the anchor to render the floating element against when open. Will be reversed when collisions occur. Default: bottom |
sideOffset | number | The distance in pixels from the anchor to the floating element. Default: 0 |
align | enum | The preferred alignment of the anchor to render the floating element against when open. This may change when collisions occur. Default: start |
alignOffset | number | The distance in pixels from the anchor to the floating element. Default: 0 |
arrowPadding | number | The amount in pixels of virtual padding around the viewport edges to check for overflow which will cause a collision. Default: 0 |
avoidCollisions | boolean | When Default: true |
collisionBoundary | union | A boundary element or array of elements to check for collisions against. Default: undefined |
collisionPadding | union | The amount in pixels of virtual padding around the viewport edges to check for overflow which will cause a collision. Default: 0 |
sticky | enum | The sticky behavior on the align axis. Default: partial |
hideWhenDetached | boolean | When Default: true |
updatePositionStrategy | enum | The strategy to use when updating the position of the content. When Default: optimized |
strategy | enum | The positioning strategy to use for the floating element. When Default: fixed |
preventScroll | boolean | When Default: true |
onInteractOutside | function | Callback fired when an outside interaction event completes, which is either a Default: undefined |
onInteractOutsideStart | function | Callback fired when an outside interaction event starts, which is either a Default: undefined |
onFocusOutside | function | Callback fired when focus leaves the dismissable layer. You can call Default: undefined |
interactOutsideBehavior | enum | The behavior to use when an interaction occurs outside of the floating content. Default: close |
onEscapeKeydown | function | Callback fired when an escape keydown event occurs in the floating content. You can call Default: undefined |
escapeKeydownBehavior | enum | The behavior to use when an escape keydown event occurs in the floating content. Default: close |
onMountAutoFocus | function | Event handler called when auto-focusing the content as it is mounted. Can be prevented. Default: undefined |
onDestroyAutoFocus | function | Event handler called when auto-focusing the content as it is destroyed. Can be prevented. Default: undefined |
preventOverflowTextSelection | boolean | When Default: true |
forceMount | boolean | Whether or not to forcefully mount the content. This is useful if you want to use Svelte transitions or another animation library for the content. Default: false |
loop | boolean | Whether or not the select menu should loop through items when reaching the end. Default: false |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-select-content | '' | Present on the content element. |
A select item, which must be a child of the Select.Content
Property | Type | Description |
value Required | string | The value of the select item. Default: undefined |
textValue | string | The text value of the select item, which is used for typeahead purposes. Default: undefined |
disabled | boolean | Whether or not the select item is disabled. This will prevent interaction/selection. Default: false |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-state | enum | The state of the item. |
data-highlighted | '' | Present when the item is highlighted, via keyboard navigation or hover. |
data-disabled | '' | Present when the item is disabled. |
data-select-item | '' | Present on the item element. |
A representation of the select menu's value, which is typically displayed in the trigger.
Property | Type | Description |
placeholder | string | A placeholder value to display when no value is selected. Default: undefined |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-select-value | '' | Present on the value element. |
data-placeholder | '' | Present when the placeholder is being displayed (there isn't a value selected). You can use this to style the placeholder differently than the selected value. |
An accessible group of select menu items.
Property | Type | Description |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-select-group | '' | Present on the group element. |
A label for the select menu which will be skipped when navigating with the keyboard. This must be a child of the Select.Group
component to be accessible.
Property | Type | Description |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-select-label | '' | Present on the label element. |
A visual separator for use between select items or groups.
Property | Type | Description |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-separator-root | '' | Present on the separator element. |
An optional arrow element which points to the trigger when open.
Property | Type | Description |
width | number | The width of the arrow in pixels. Default: 8 |
height | number | The height of the arrow in pixels. Default: 8 |
ref bindable prop | HTMLDivElement | The underlying DOM element being rendered. You can bind to this to get a reference to the element. Default: undefined |
children | Snippet | The children content to render. Default: undefined |
child | Snippet | Use render delegation to render your own element. See delegation docs for more information. Default: undefined |
Data Attribute | Value | Description |
data-arrow | '' | Present on the arrow element. |